jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

8ª Unidad Didáctica (8th Topic) es: INVENTIONS

In this unit we are going to learn about inventions and discoveries.

-     A DISCOVERY is when we find something that existed before but we did not know about it.

For example, the fire

-     An INVENTION is when we create something that did not exist.

For example, the computer, television and cars.





Light bulb


Listen to these two songs carefully.

Here we´ll learn about inventors and their inventions.

Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing press.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the Telephone.

Inventors and Inventions by Sue Dickson

Mr. Benz invented the automobile.

Mr. Fulton invented the steamboat.

Mr. Edison invented the projector and the light bulb.

Mr. Baird invented the TV

The Wright brothers invented the aeroplane.

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